You may have multiple BOS panels (for example, Beer and Mead/Cider). Reggie manages your competition from first-round judging (queued or not, or both), mini-Best Of Show judging, through Best Of Show judging.Reggie supports scoresheet scanning - so you can scan scoresheets as they are returned by the judges - and then make them available to the entrants immediately after the awards ceremony - with the push of a button.Reggie has continuously updated BJCP Judge information, so if you're BJCP, Reggie already knows about you if not, then Reggie can easily add you. As entries are judged, Reggie helps you record the Judges and the points scored.When you get to judging days, Reggie prints all the forms for you - table identifiers, sign-in/waiver sheets, judge scoresheet labels, flight info sheets, cup labels, flight pull sheets, etc.Reggie supports (and encourages) queued judging, but will also handle specific flighting if you prefer.

After you have all the entries ready to go, Reggie helps you in Grouping the entries (for example, you may want to group all Lagers together if there are not enough individual Style entries).Reggie tracks who has paid, which registered entries are missing bottles, etc., so you can quickly identify and address these issues.Once you have the entry bottles, Reggie assigns random entry numbers and organizes a quick and efficient Bottle Sorting/Labeling party for you.Judges with entries or style preferences are flagged for you. Reggie handles online Judge registration, and then lets you create Judging Sessions and assign judges appropriately.Reggie enforces the Guideline requirements - so if a particular style requires Sweetness and Fruit Type, the entry will not be registered and accepted until this information has been entered.You can add your own specialty medal groups ("Coffee beer"), or choose to allow a subset (for example, using the BJCP guidelines for a mead-only competition). Reggie supports several different Style Guidelines including the most recent versions of Beer Judge Certification Program ( BJCP2021) and World Beer Cup ( WBC 2023).

You can record the judge scores and judge names, and Reggie will automate setting up Mini-BOS and BOS flights, and reporting the results.Reggie will help you organize beer substyles into judging medal groups, and let you organize and assign judges to flights and tables.You can use the Reggie API to generate your own web result reports.The Check-in/Payment report provides a list of email addresses for unpaid entries and allows you to track PayPal payments automatically.Integration of Pro/Am judging, reporting, and awarding.Handling of clubs, judging locations, delivery locations, etc., is international-friendly.BJCP2015 and BJCP2021 competitions also cross-reference to BJCP2008 styles. Reenter a beer from previous comp Entrants can easily reenter a beer that they had entered in a previous competition.Organizer Approved entry comments The Organizer can review Entry provided information and approve (or not), and contact Entrant for additional information, as needed.
#Homebrew for windows 10 competitors registration#